Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Don't forget to write your scripts for Wednesday! :) We are going to do a forecast for the next day...I am doing the morning forecast, Fletke is doing the midday forecast, and Eric is doing the night forecast. Have a good spring break!

2nd lesson plan

I have decided to do my second lesson plan on snow fall. I am having my students make a graph of snowfall in michigan.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What you missed on 2/18

Tonight in lab we created an Excel worksheet for our 2nd lesson plan. After that we worked on our movie maker, which is due Friday just to remind you guys! See you next week!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Video Idea

I think I am going to be doing my video on clouds and cloud formations... So dont use my idea

Movie Maker

I am making my movie an informational mini-lesson about thunderstorms...see you in two weeks since you guys will be missing next week. :)
I have changed my powerpoint topic to my movie maker project which is types of percipitation in the winter. I am now going to do a powerpoint on thunderstorms.

Monday, February 9, 2009

I have decided to do my power point on winter weather and the types of percipitation that happen during the winter season.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

lesson plan/ Power pt

For my first lesson plan I have switched and now doing earthquakes

For my power pt I am going to be doing tornados

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Power Point Presentation

I am planning to do my power point instructional presentation on different types of clouds and cloud formations.
These are the websites are found relating to our project topic weather:
Here are my web sites I used to view for the project

Lesson Plan One

I have decided to cover clouds for my lesson plan. The students will learn what clouds are made of, how they form, and the different types of clouds there are.